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From stress to success.

How to enhance workplace financial wellbeing

Research ·  UK & Ireland

How can organisations improve workplace financial wellbeing, engagement, and productivity?

We surveyed 2,500+ people in the UK and Ireland and spoke to experts in the field to learn the most effective help employers can offer.

Discover who employees trust most, the measures they find most useful, and how great technology can make a real difference.

Just complete the form below to download your report.

Workplace financial wellbeing from stress to success cover 2

HR and payroll play a key role in swapping money stress for employee success...

77% of respondents have experienced financial stress this year.

94% believe employers should provide financial wellbeing support.

41% want to be able to build savings directly from the point of payroll.

In this 36-page report, you'll discover:


11 practical measures that employers can provide to their people.


The most trusted sources of financial support for employees.

c-check Why 51% of employees want flexible pay (earned wage access) — and how it works in practice for employers.
c-check How many employees are using available benefits and support today.
Which channels people prefer from direct to line manager or through a neutral AI chatbot.
c-check Expert insights from Charles Cotton (Senior Performance and Reward Adviser, CIPD), Heidi Allan (Principal, Head of Financial Wellbeing, LCP), and David Roberts (Principal Product Manager — Fintech, Zellis)

Complete the form for access to the full report.

This is Part 2. You can find Part 1 here: Under Pressure: How Financial Stress Impacts Employee Wellbeing and Productivity.


Download your copy